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"You LIKE this?" Alice Cooper - Sick Things (TheSnoop Sisters) (1974) (HQ)

Do you remember the Snoop Sisters, Mom?  I bet you'd remember THIS episode! I've been searching for a good quality clip of this...

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Kissing Cousins

Now, I need to explain this one.  My sister got out her dragons and placed them around her room and one is a clock that has two columns with dragons around the columns.  On the cross piece is a dragonhead/demon guardian.  I took a close look and blinked. 

"I know that face," I said.
"What do you mean?" my sister said.

I went to our books and found the old horror movie books I have and went looking for photos from a 1950s movie Night of the Demon with Dana Andrews (of course it helps that I have the movie on dvd).  I found the picture I was looking for - compare for yourself

Weird, eh?

Action Figures part 1

this is my collection of action figures

Wolfsbane and Professor X from the X-Men comics

Wolverine as a werewolf - X-Men

Lon Chaney Jr as The Wolf Man w/silver cane - Universal

Valesco and Xena - XWP

Henry Hull as the Werewolf of London

Dracula graveyard set

Werewolf hunting set

The Wolf Man - some oldies

Storm - X-Men

Pumpkinhead - written and directed by Stan Winston, FX specialist/pioneer

Sabertooth & Rogue - X-Men

More X-Men

Boris Karloff as The Mummy

Scully & Mulder - X-Files

The Phantom Stranger - DC comics

Magneto - X-Men

Morbius - Marvel Comics

Ghostface from Scream movies

Rupert Giles, The Master, Daniel Osbourne - Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Some oldie figures - Headless Horseman, Creature from the Black Lagoon, Frankenstein's Monster, the Phantom of the Opera, the Wolf Man, Dracula (he needs his cape)

Stag Rider

Anthony Perkins as Norman Bates - Psycho

Tony Todd as Candyman

the Blair Witch

Blade, Whistler, Deacon Frost

Barbarosa - Pirate movies

Cat warrior


Dragon collection part 4

Friday, August 24, 2012