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"You LIKE this?" Alice Cooper - Sick Things (TheSnoop Sisters) (1974) (HQ)

Do you remember the Snoop Sisters, Mom?  I bet you'd remember THIS episode! I've been searching for a good quality clip of this...

Saturday, June 15, 2013


We finished Mama Marie's quilt today. Grandma picked the material, Mom quilted the squares, we put it together.  A quilt over 20 years in the making


We're working to get the yardwork done (the majority done by Chris) - we're doing the garden weeding and weed whacking, he mows the jungle.  He's also going to work on the car tomorrow <crossed fingers that this works>

I'm working on a new beadwork project and more embroidery and Jackie is doing embroidery and crochet pieces.

We lost Annie cat last week and it's hit Jackie hard. Mom fought so hard to keep that little cat alive at times and when we lost Mom we were sure Annie would follow right after. Jackie worked to keep her warm, fed and loved - carrying the cat around in her coat all day but the allergies got too much for her little lungs. I know it felt a touch like losing Mom again for Jackie.

We miss Mama