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"You LIKE this?" Alice Cooper - Sick Things (TheSnoop Sisters) (1974) (HQ)

Do you remember the Snoop Sisters, Mom?  I bet you'd remember THIS episode! I've been searching for a good quality clip of this...

Monday, August 15, 2016

August - heat, gourds and mutant plants

our runaway garden - the gourd vines have escaped the large bush and the boundaries of the garden - one vine is heading for the driveway along the stepping pavers, another two are in front of the long garden heading for the holly tree.

I have more gourds now too. The larger one is about the size of a cantaloupe.

The plants next to Jackie are a "MEDIUM" sized marigold, a dill plant, butterfly bush and dwarf crape myrtle

The "tree" is a redbud BUSH

 yellow arrow - a "medium sized" marigold

Sunday, May 29, 2016

May and Memorial weekend

aside from falling and hurting my hand badly, my elbow and knee (those are annoying but not bad), we did Jackie's floor. Now we need to do the baseboard, touch up some paint and move her furniture back in.

The cats seem to approve

 Evie and LG checking it out

 I suggested the baseboard hoping it would mesh well with the established baseboard. We think they'll go together and look very good

 the cats trying out the throw rug before Jackie does

Gypsy likes the open window

thought the composition of the picture was interesting

Semper Fi, do or die

 the face of a homeowner in Georgia in May

 plates used as a border (curving around large boulders under the clay)


 lemon balm, squash and mint


 strawberries (someone keeps eating my berries!)

 butterfly and humingbird bushes




Sunday, May 15, 2016

Work, Work, Work (kinda)

Been doing a little yardwork out front (very little with this back!) and Jackie's working a little on clearing brush back.  She's finally realized just how much the brush has encroached towards the house.  I saw we've lost a good 5ft or more to it. The brush in this state will eat a house up in almost no time.

Working on setting pavers, plates (as a garden border), digging out weeds, planting and more

And finding more large rocks I'm not going to try and dig out. Maybe it's all one huge rock, wouldn't surprise me on the side of long sloping rise we're on

It's cooler today, probably top off at 73F later today so we were able to get some done in the sun but we both need long sleeve white shirts to help keep the scratches and sun damage down.  Even with sunblock the sun is a little brutal. So a trip to the thrift will be happening soon - shirts, shorts and plates! I need more plates - the shape of the garden is starting to form in my head and beginning to take hold in reality.  Need more plates, pavers and mulch

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Car Shows and People

Okay, my psych would be pleased. I can get out of the house and roam around, talking to people other than store clerks for about 30 seconds is a different matter. Well, I've got photographic proof I can do so - LOL

Jackie and I went to a small car show and the weather was great at 70F with a slight breeze, just cool enough to wear my Stetson gambler hat and, of course, my boots.  Pants are looking a bit baggy on me, I'll admit.

Going to place the memorial stones in the morning and maybe work a little in the garden before it warms up 15 degrees by Sunday.

 Gotta love the Studebakers! Saw three today!

 A fantastic paint job!

Jackie caught me next to the rat rod - in Stetson, boots and baggy Levis - hmmm, they are baggy, not my style

 I talked with this guy for quite awhile discussing cars, modern restrictions on parents and out of control kids (okay, a weird conversation but it was nice). 

 BCSD much?

 I was transported by to childhood!

 This was a dirt track racer (and probably a moonshine running car). I talked with the family for quite a while, even exchanged names and talked about cars, Bondo, and saltine cracker box gaskets - go ahead and ask - LOL