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"You LIKE this?" Alice Cooper - Sick Things (TheSnoop Sisters) (1974) (HQ)

Do you remember the Snoop Sisters, Mom?  I bet you'd remember THIS episode! I've been searching for a good quality clip of this...

Thursday, July 7, 2011

No More Princess Room

Today I got up and moved furniture (what few pieces are in the room) and wiped down the dust from sanding and taped off the trim.  Then we started.  We got two gizmos that make painting edges/next to door trim and window trim easier - they worked and the work went faster than we expected.

It wasn't easy on the back nor on strained arm and shoulder muscles, however. The humidity ensured that I was soaking wet by the time it was half done and I stopped to grab something to eat. We finished the first coat and I did the corners and then rested a bit.

I finished the 2nd coat by 4:30p.m. and I'm darn glad I'm done for the day!  My back and arms are killing me but I am very pleased with the color.  It dried darker than what it was in the can (thankfully) and with a touch of Olive drab that I was looking for.

No more Princess room!

Tomorrow I'll touch up where they hit the ceiling with awful colors and then paint the trim.  For now the trim will be white but I'm considering a dark red touch with the white eventually.  I also picked up a stencil I want to do near the baseboards (I'll eventually put up crown molding and stencil up there as well) - either a darker green, a brassy gold or a copper stencil pattern.


Before - a bad paint job in colors I'd never use

The color is White Sage

the stencil I want to use for my Neo-Victorian/Steampunk interest

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