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"You LIKE this?" Alice Cooper - Sick Things (TheSnoop Sisters) (1974) (HQ)

Do you remember the Snoop Sisters, Mom?  I bet you'd remember THIS episode! I've been searching for a good quality clip of this...

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

We Own a House

I started a SMALL project in the bathroom.  I removed the old caulk around the shower tiles connecting to the tub and the tub to the floor and used those plastic strips.  Since they don't really hold up for long I supplemented with caulking to hold and seal better.  Turned out well. 

Okay, I'm tired of the damned stained grout and trying to clean it for the last 3 years.  I got some grout stain and started scraping the grout lines clean.....

WTH?  There's caulk on EVERY single grout line. 

<hanging my head>

Okay, I have to remove all the caulk covering the grout with a scraper and LOTS of razor blades.  That took a few days since I can only do an hour or so at a time.  It revealed that most of the stains were the caulk and not the grout but the grout is still discolored.  It also revealed that this frickin hurts when you have to reach and scrape with screwed up rib muscles.

It also revealed that the grout has disintegrated all up one corner and at two tiles.  I'll have to pick up some grout and repair our shower and the shower in the guest room.  I've never done grout so this will be a learning experience.

You can see all the caulk I've scraped off in the pictures.  You can also see where I've started restaining the grout lines and how good that's going to look.

We did a lot of work Sunday - weed whacking, mowing the lawn, weeding in the garden, more removing of grout = we overdid. A few errands yesterday and I'm really tired. 

Today will be a laid back day except for some cooking (and most of that will be a rice cooker and slow cooker).  I might try my hand at shortbread again.

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