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Friday, July 11, 2014

Experiments in Sleeping

Okay, that's a weird title, I know, but its accurate.  I've read some news reports and blogs on the benefits of sleeping in a hammock.  Not the kind with the spreader bar but the kind that make you look like a caterpillar in a cocoon.

I bought an inexpensive one at the sporting goods shop and set it up in the screened-in porch.  It took awhile to figure out how to get comfortable with the least amount of effort with bedding included. 

Surprisingly, it works!  I'm not in as much pain in the mornings as usual, even after a day of working in the yard or doing errands all over town.  There are times when I only spend an hour or two before switching to my bed because I get cold or the sunlight is too bright.

Last night I went to sleep at 1:30am and slept until 9:30.  After a day of WAITING AND WAITING at a clinic with Jackie, I thought I'd have a rough night with leg cramps and back pain.  I don't think I shifted very much at all in the hammock.

There are few pressure points in a hammock and the rocking motion sends the sleeper into sleep faster and deeper than someone in a conventional bed.  I can attest that is the case with me.

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