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"You LIKE this?" Alice Cooper - Sick Things (TheSnoop Sisters) (1974) (HQ)

Do you remember the Snoop Sisters, Mom?  I bet you'd remember THIS episode! I've been searching for a good quality clip of this...

Sunday, April 12, 2015

screen doors and cats

We made the decision to keep the cats inside when we took in the rescue cat Gypsy, her two children and the twins. We lost so many 2 years ago to a virus and there are new dogs in the area.  Jackie also saw a coyote run across out backyard in fall.

We have the screened in back porch so they're able to get fresh air and watch the birds, squirrels and rabbits. And the roaming cats that come to visit: Henry, OJ and two stubby tailed cats. 

It warmed up for a few days last week and we wanted the front door open for air circulation.  The cats were accustomed to moving the loose screen and jumping over the bottom part of the door and coming and going as they wanted. 

How to keep them in?

I decided to look around at Home Depot and see if I could find a metal mesh, grate or screen to go over the screen door without costing a lot and that wouldn't impede air flow.

Most of the metal screens were a bit heavy and our screen door is a very cheap one that's pretty flimsy.  I kept looking and found an answer, I was in the concrete area and saw wire mesh that contractors put down to help reinforce concrete and one of the screens was very interesting (and it was 6ft long.  $7 wasn't bad either, the stuff is light and bends easily (good thing, I had to curve it to get it in the car. 

Jackie and I used the tin snips to cut pieces to fit on our screen door. We used a staple gun and I added another hook n eye at the bottom of the door to keep the cats from pushing the door open enough to get out.  Then I put one on the basement door so they can't pull that open as well.

I'm going to put new screening on the door as well.  Not the most professional looking but it'll work - that Southern ingenuity seems to run in the family.

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