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Do you remember the Snoop Sisters, Mom?  I bet you'd remember THIS episode! I've been searching for a good quality clip of this...

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Desktop project

I decided that the top of my desk is too plain and more "mid-century" than "prior century".  I opted for a collage of pictures that are timeless and fit into a Victorian and/or SP style.  I printed out the drawings, aged them with tea bags, got some scrapbook paper, trimmed that as I wanted, ripped the drawings around the edges and did collage paste stuff all over it.

To age paper with tea bags I consulted the Instructables website http://www.instructables.com/

I brewed some tea, let it cool and then took a tea bag for each page and rubbed the wet tea bag all over the page.  Hand dabbed the page dry, placed it on a towel, covered with a towel and weighted it down with heavy books.  I didn't have to repeat the process, thankfully.

Prelim - deciding if the drawings work together with the paper.

up close and personal - the drawings are: British Parliament, an early motorbike, ancient map of Egypt

Ancient map of Egypt, a cheetah, a map of London rail circa 1890s

London rail, a cheetah, an airship, a clock

I plan on working up a rectangle of copper pipes for the edges as a type of paperweight, splash of color and SP styling.

1 comment:

  1. ah - basics: collage paste from Hobby Lobby

    the drawings - collected from SP sites and around the web

    the poster board backing - Dollar Store

    the scrapbook paper - Jo-Ann's

    tea - Twinnings (lol)
