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"You LIKE this?" Alice Cooper - Sick Things (TheSnoop Sisters) (1974) (HQ)

Do you remember the Snoop Sisters, Mom?  I bet you'd remember THIS episode! I've been searching for a good quality clip of this...

Friday, August 19, 2011

Second Verse same as the first

Today I focused on caulking the basement walls in prep for painting with masonry paint that will help seal dampness and water out.  My fingertips hurt and are all red!  Now to wait for the caulking to dry and we'll paint the worst of the walls and then I'll caulk and paint the other walls as we get to them.  Considering the basement and two car garage comprise a lot of wall space!

I finished the touch-up paint in Mom's bathroom.  Now to take the razorblades to a small number of paint mishaps and the number of mishaps from the previous owners and hang her cabinet.


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